Chamber members are invited to join us for our 2025 S.T.I.R. business connection events. Members receive a digital invitation to STIR events. STIR events will be held quarterly in 2025. The Super STIR facilitates meaningful connections among professionals from various industries. Our "round robin" or "speed dating" approach ensures that each featured member has the opportunity to share info about their business, while engaging with other members in attendance. With a chance to rotate from table to table, you will interact with members and make valuable connections!
We also have public grand opening/ribbon cutting celebrations from time to time. Please scroll down for the next celebration honoring new businesses and new chamber members in Jackson County.
Socialize – Starting and growing business relationships is what these gatherings are all about. Combine that with great food and drinks at the end of the business day, at a location that is eager to share something new with you, and a group of friendly hometown business people. You'll get to know fellow business leaders and owners who want to know you as well. Meet and greet in a relaxed, social setting and learn more about each other.
Talk - Sharing upcoming events, business specials, and new ideas is what makes businesses thrive and grow. Maybe you’ve been wearing all the hats at your business and you’ve found some ways to streamline your day. Share your story and make a difference for someone else, and be prepared to learn something new yourself! And besides, who says it has to be all about business? Sometimes putting a personal spin on an idea can break the ice!
Interact – We’re a well-rounded Chamber, with gifted members from all walks of life. Do you tend to be outgoing? Find someone who may be new or unfamiliar with the group, and introduce yourself; then introduce them to someone you know. Sometimes all it takes is that ONE thing to make a real difference for someone else – and for you too!

Remember – Follow up with just one business person that you met or an old friend you caught up with at STIR. One new business connection can translate into new business. Call them up or send an email – or better yet make plans to meet them for lunch – we’ve got some terrific restaurants in the neighborhood!
The STIR; NOW we’re connecting businesses!